What's Not Much Said About Your Linkedin Profile and Resume

Gülcan Yayla
Co-Founder, CEO

What's Not Much Said About Your Linkedin Profile and Resume

Gulcan Yayla

In this week's publication Linkedin we talked about the overlooked points of your profile and resume.

If you want to watch the broadcast now wherein :) The Linkedin profile and resume features that we discussed in this post were evaluated in terms of professions that are based on a certain specialty, such as programming. Therefore, advice on Linkedin profile and resume characteristics was made with reference to specialty-based professions.

In this article

Therefore, first we will talk about the resume format, then we will touch on the importance of the resume format, then we will list our recommendations regarding the format and content of the resume, and finally we will offer our advice on the Linkedin profile.

Resume Format

The first impression that people who evaluate applications to institutions when reviewing resumes occurs in a very short interval, such as 5-8 seconds. This initial glancing phase is more important than you might think because your resume is shut down if it can't attach the right format and catch the appraiser's interest. So why?

Why is Format Important?

Many people think that the content of the resume is enough to create a positive impression at first glance, it is superfluous to talk about the format of the resume.

However, in this first moment when you meet the employer, all the details, including formal features, can mean something and can be the basis of an interpretation that you do not think of. Because the person evaluating your application at this stage may want to evaluate all the features of the documents you submit to make a decision about you. Candidates can use all the details to reach a decision on their issue.

For example, if the resume format is not created for its purpose, it can lead to question marks about your potential. Incorrect or poorly structured information on your resume can make you think that you do not have enough of the organizational skills required by the position. At best it can be considered that you are a sloppy person.

Recommendations on Resume Format

Your resume should be no more than two pages.

Long resumes are among the mistakes made when creating a resume. It is not a good idea to increase your page count to highlight your experience or demonstrate your suitability for the position.

You should share your resume in the file type 'pdf'.

Your resumes Google Docs or The Word Sharing as can cause posts to shift, sections to cross into each other. In addition, sending your resume as a photo also makes it difficult to read articles.

If the applied institution does not specifically require you to prepare your resume using resume preparation platforms, your resume should be completely without a logo and in a format created entirely by you.

Using resumes by creating them from ready-made platforms can make you think that you are being sloppy. Mostly in resumes Career, Europass or Linkedin There are logos of platforms like this. Such resumes can give the image of a sloppy and poor-quality format.

Your resume should be plain and straightforward.

Creating colorful, over-segmented resumes can make them difficult to understand. The information sought by interested persons does not need to be stored inside the sections.

Your resume should be without a photo.

Putting photos on the resume is a controversial topic. Photography, the appearance of the person, has nothing to do with the work ethically. Therefore, presenting external appearance information is not welcome, especially in international companies. In addition, introducing the photo and appearance information into the evaluation process in some form can leave people who evaluate resumes under suspicion. Because of this risk, it is not preferred by international institutions.

You should create a durable resume view using one or at most two fonts and sizes.

You should use a maximum of two fonts and sizes in your resume. More than two fonts and sizes can give the impression that you are working cluttered, creating a cluttered image.

By following the punctuation and spelling rules of the language you use in your resume, you can create a strong human impression with careful and written expression.

You should build your resume, paying attention to the punctuation marks and spelling rules of the language you are preparing. The mistake you will make in this regard may make you think that you are not careful enough, especially for an industry that involves a certain spelling scheme, such as coding.

The order and rules that your resume has must be consistent.

Your resume should have a consistent and orderly layout. The use of arbitrarily formed alignments, spaces, punctuation marks can lead to an inconsistent appearance.

You should prepare your resume in English and pay attention to its compliance with the spelling rules. The tasks and responsibilities that you have previously assigned to your English CV are the main ones when writing item by item action actions Use (action verbs) in clause initials.

If you are looking for a job in the coding industry, you should prepare your resume in English. Even if you have insufficient English, you should prepare your resume in accordance with the rules of English spelling.

Do not use a format in your resume in which you rate yourself on certain software tools.

In some programmer resumes HTML, CSS, React For tools and items such as the person is rating himself. Since the criteria for such a rating are not of an objective nature, they are often far from giving information about your skills.

Recommendations on Resume Content

At the beginning of your resume there should be a section in which you summarize your experiences in a sympathetic style and appropriate keywords. At the beginning of your resume there should be a section in which you use appropriate keywords, describing your experiences in a sympathetic style.

At the beginning of your resume should be a section in which you summarize your experiences and yourself in a warm style. In this section, you can choose to highlight your characteristics related to the position you are applying for. You should make sure that this section is really summarized and using the necessary keywords.

You can opt for a layout that prioritizes the features you want to highlight. If you have a career in which your experiences are more decisive rather than the educations you receive, you can use a ranking where your experiences weigh.

When placing your personal information on your resume, you can emphasize the characteristics that you want to highlight. If the degree you are graduating from does not have much to do with your field of specialization, or if you feel that the degree you are graduating from in your current career has nothing to do with your current career, you can opt for a content layout where you put your education information below.

You should definitely include the achievements you have and the responsibilities you have taken on your resume. 

If you have significant achievements in your educational background, degrees (graduation average/degree, double-minor knowledge), and responsibilities in your educational life or social life, you should definitely include them. Your achievements should be on your resume, even if they are not directly related to the work you do, because they contribute to a positive impression of your personality traits.

You should describe your experiences in such a way that it is understood that you are doing it directly, not using passive verbs.

You should write your experiences using the action actions that we share. For example, instead of “HTML/CSS section improved.”, you can write “I have improved the HTML/CSS section.”

Bootcamps and internships you attend should be on your resume as work experience.

Bootcamps you attend should be on your resume as work experience. You can think of bootcamps as the concentrated/compressed state of a work experience. In the same way, you should put the internships you have done on your resume.

You can write the address of the projects you bring to life, and the GitHub address where the projects and works that you think are important are understood in your resume, making sure that you understand the technologies you use, where the projects and works you think are important are understood.

If you do not have experience, projects, individual or team work can be your lifeline. Take care to 'bring alive' the projects you make because GitHub works that stand as a line of code in your account do not attract much attention. However, you should specify the technologies that you use in these projects separately.

You can share the resources you nurture yourself as a programmer while listing your skills and interests on your resume. In doing so, you should choose sources that will reveal a direct photo of you. You can use a person, publication or channel you follow; as a programmer, you can use books that you read in a specific context as effective content in this section.

At the bottom of your resume, you can add a section where you include your skills and interests, showcasing your distinctive features. In this section, you can share information about the programming technologies you use - like, and how you cultivate and improve yourself. In doing so, you should prefer not the resources with which you share with everyone, the sources with which you differentiate and reveal your qualities that set you apart.

Write only those technologies in which you have mastered, deepened and will continue to be interested in in the future on your resume.

Putting all of the technologies you use on your resume can make you think you are in a state of uncertainty about the direction of your career.

Sharing your level of proficiency in the languages you know with test results such as TOEFL, IELTS, and not with vague expressions, will make your foreign language knowledge more understandable.

In addition to sharing information about the technologies you use and the resources you use, you can also share knowledge of foreign languages (English, German, etc.) that you know.

You may not include your references because they are not required at the resume stage.

The need for references usually arises in the final stages of your application, and not at the stage when your resume is being reviewed. Therefore, you do not need to reduce the clarity of your resume by including your references.

You should present certificates that are difficult to obtain, universally revealing your competence in certain technologies on your resume.

You should structure your resume with the need to present in the most effective way your characteristics that distinguish you from others. Therefore, in your résumé, which makes you similar to many candidates in Turkey, especially in Turkey Udemy Your inclusion of certificates from platforms such as these will mean misuse of your already limited resume space.


Pay attention to whether your posts on your Linkedin profile match the qualifications of professional identity and the public sphere.

Institutions can evaluate candidates' posts, activity histories, and interactions with these criteria as well as their interactions on Linkedin. For the same reason, you should create a positive profile photo.

The high occupancy rate of your Linkedin profile will make your profile more visible due to the keywords it will contain.

Linkedin is a platform heavily used by human resources professionals. If you create your profile on this platform with the right keywords, it can be easy for recruiters to notice you. Therefore, you should clearly write down the technologies you know.

At the beginning of your profile, you can create a section where you effectively summarize yourself, like in your resume.

Use the names of programming languages and tools you know in this section to create engagement opportunities for business opportunities.

You must create your Linkedin profile in English. Whatever branch of programming you specialize in (Frontend Developer, Backend Developer, Machine Learning Engineer), you should write it in your profile with your English name.

Software writing is a very universal profession. Therefore, as a programmer, your Linkedin profile, which is one of the areas where your expertise appears sectoral, must also be universally accessible. The first condition for this is that your profile is created in English.

In most cases the high number of people you connect with is an important profile feature.

One of the pieces of information that reflects how you interact with people from the industry is the number of people you connect with. In this way, you can show that you are an active member of your profession.

Linkedin can enable you to work in the region or country you are targeting.

The knowledge of the position in which you are open to job opportunities is a detail that organizations that recruit from LinkedIn pay attention to. You can create your address section as country-only to show that you're open to job opportunities in multiple locations.

Our advice to our participants

What's Not Much Said About Your Linkedin Profile and Resume

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What's Not Much Said About Your Linkedin Profile and Resume

Gulcan Yayla

In this week's publication Linkedin we talked about the overlooked points of your profile and resume.

If you want to watch the broadcast now wherein :) The Linkedin profile and resume features that we discussed in this post were evaluated in terms of professions that are based on a certain specialty, such as programming. Therefore, advice on Linkedin profile and resume characteristics was made with reference to specialty-based professions.

In this article

  • in terms of resumes, format and content characteristics;
  • We will consider Linkedin profiles in terms of content characteristics.

Therefore, first we will talk about the resume format, then we will touch on the importance of the resume format, then we will list our recommendations regarding the format and content of the resume, and finally we will offer our advice on the Linkedin profile.

Resume Format

The first impression that people who evaluate applications to institutions when reviewing resumes occurs in a very short interval, such as 5-8 seconds. This initial glancing phase is more important than you might think because your resume is shut down if it can't attach the right format and catch the appraiser's interest. So why?

Why is Format Important?

Many people think that the content of the resume is enough to create a positive impression at first glance, it is superfluous to talk about the format of the resume.

However, in this first moment when you meet the employer, all the details, including formal features, can mean something and can be the basis of an interpretation that you do not think of. Because the person evaluating your application at this stage may want to evaluate all the features of the documents you submit to make a decision about you. Candidates can use all the details to reach a decision on their issue.

For example, if the resume format is not created for its purpose, it can lead to question marks about your potential. Incorrect or poorly structured information on your resume can make you think that you do not have enough of the organizational skills required by the position. At best it can be considered that you are a sloppy person.

Recommendations on Resume Format

Your resume should be no more than two pages.

Long resumes are among the mistakes made when creating a resume. It is not a good idea to increase your page count to highlight your experience or demonstrate your suitability for the position.

You should share your resume in the file type 'pdf'.

Your resumes Google Docs or The Word Sharing as can cause posts to shift, sections to cross into each other. In addition, sending your resume as a photo also makes it difficult to read articles.

If the applied institution does not specifically require you to prepare your resume using resume preparation platforms, your resume should be completely without a logo and in a format created entirely by you.

Using resumes by creating them from ready-made platforms can make you think that you are being sloppy. Mostly in resumes Career, Europass or Linkedin There are logos of platforms like this. Such resumes can give the image of a sloppy and poor-quality format.

Your resume should be plain and straightforward.

Creating colorful, over-segmented resumes can make them difficult to understand. The information sought by interested persons does not need to be stored inside the sections.

Your resume should be without a photo.

Putting photos on the resume is a controversial topic. Photography, the appearance of the person, has nothing to do with the work ethically. Therefore, presenting external appearance information is not welcome, especially in international companies. In addition, introducing the photo and appearance information into the evaluation process in some form can leave people who evaluate resumes under suspicion. Because of this risk, it is not preferred by international institutions.

You should create a durable resume view using one or at most two fonts and sizes.

You should use a maximum of two fonts and sizes in your resume. More than two fonts and sizes can give the impression that you are working cluttered, creating a cluttered image.

By following the punctuation and spelling rules of the language you use in your resume, you can create a strong human impression with careful and written expression.

You should build your resume, paying attention to the punctuation marks and spelling rules of the language you are preparing. The mistake you will make in this regard may make you think that you are not careful enough, especially for an industry that involves a certain spelling scheme, such as coding.

The order and rules that your resume has must be consistent.

Your resume should have a consistent and orderly layout. The use of arbitrarily formed alignments, spaces, punctuation marks can lead to an inconsistent appearance.

You should prepare your resume in English and pay attention to its compliance with the spelling rules. The tasks and responsibilities that you have previously assigned to your English CV are the main ones when writing item by item action actions Use (action verbs) in clause initials.

If you are looking for a job in the coding industry, you should prepare your resume in English. Even if you have insufficient English, you should prepare your resume in accordance with the rules of English spelling.

Do not use a format in your resume in which you rate yourself on certain software tools.

In some programmer resumes HTML, CSS, React For tools and items such as the person is rating himself. Since the criteria for such a rating are not of an objective nature, they are often far from giving information about your skills.

Recommendations on Resume Content

At the beginning of your resume there should be a section in which you summarize your experiences in a sympathetic style and appropriate keywords. At the beginning of your resume there should be a section in which you use appropriate keywords, describing your experiences in a sympathetic style.

At the beginning of your resume should be a section in which you summarize your experiences and yourself in a warm style. In this section, you can choose to highlight your characteristics related to the position you are applying for. You should make sure that this section is really summarized and using the necessary keywords.

You can opt for a layout that prioritizes the features you want to highlight. If you have a career in which your experiences are more decisive rather than the educations you receive, you can use a ranking where your experiences weigh.

When placing your personal information on your resume, you can emphasize the characteristics that you want to highlight. If the degree you are graduating from does not have much to do with your field of specialization, or if you feel that the degree you are graduating from in your current career has nothing to do with your current career, you can opt for a content layout where you put your education information below.

You should definitely include the achievements you have and the responsibilities you have taken on your resume. 

If you have significant achievements in your educational background, degrees (graduation average/degree, double-minor knowledge), and responsibilities in your educational life or social life, you should definitely include them. Your achievements should be on your resume, even if they are not directly related to the work you do, because they contribute to a positive impression of your personality traits.

You should describe your experiences in such a way that it is understood that you are doing it directly, not using passive verbs.

You should write your experiences using the action actions that we share. For example, instead of “HTML/CSS section improved.”, you can write “I have improved the HTML/CSS section.”

Bootcamps and internships you attend should be on your resume as work experience.

Bootcamps you attend should be on your resume as work experience. You can think of bootcamps as the concentrated/compressed state of a work experience. In the same way, you should put the internships you have done on your resume.

You can write the address of the projects you bring to life, and the GitHub address where the projects and works that you think are important are understood in your resume, making sure that you understand the technologies you use, where the projects and works you think are important are understood.

If you do not have experience, projects, individual or team work can be your lifeline. Take care to 'bring alive' the projects you make because GitHub works that stand as a line of code in your account do not attract much attention. However, you should specify the technologies that you use in these projects separately.

You can share the resources you nurture yourself as a programmer while listing your skills and interests on your resume. In doing so, you should choose sources that will reveal a direct photo of you. You can use a person, publication or channel you follow; as a programmer, you can use books that you read in a specific context as effective content in this section.

At the bottom of your resume, you can add a section where you include your skills and interests, showcasing your distinctive features. In this section, you can share information about the programming technologies you use - like, and how you cultivate and improve yourself. In doing so, you should prefer not the resources with which you share with everyone, the sources with which you differentiate and reveal your qualities that set you apart.

Write only those technologies in which you have mastered, deepened and will continue to be interested in in the future on your resume.

Putting all of the technologies you use on your resume can make you think you are in a state of uncertainty about the direction of your career.

Sharing your level of proficiency in the languages you know with test results such as TOEFL, IELTS, and not with vague expressions, will make your foreign language knowledge more understandable.

In addition to sharing information about the technologies you use and the resources you use, you can also share knowledge of foreign languages (English, German, etc.) that you know.

You may not include your references because they are not required at the resume stage.

The need for references usually arises in the final stages of your application, and not at the stage when your resume is being reviewed. Therefore, you do not need to reduce the clarity of your resume by including your references.

You should present certificates that are difficult to obtain, universally revealing your competence in certain technologies on your resume.

You should structure your resume with the need to present in the most effective way your characteristics that distinguish you from others. Therefore, in your résumé, which makes you similar to many candidates in Turkey, especially in Turkey Udemy Your inclusion of certificates from platforms such as these will mean misuse of your already limited resume space.


Pay attention to whether your posts on your Linkedin profile match the qualifications of professional identity and the public sphere.

Institutions can evaluate candidates' posts, activity histories, and interactions with these criteria as well as their interactions on Linkedin. For the same reason, you should create a positive profile photo.

The high occupancy rate of your Linkedin profile will make your profile more visible due to the keywords it will contain.

Linkedin is a platform heavily used by human resources professionals. If you create your profile on this platform with the right keywords, it can be easy for recruiters to notice you. Therefore, you should clearly write down the technologies you know.

At the beginning of your profile, you can create a section where you effectively summarize yourself, like in your resume.

Use the names of programming languages and tools you know in this section to create engagement opportunities for business opportunities.

You must create your Linkedin profile in English. Whatever branch of programming you specialize in (Frontend Developer, Backend Developer, Machine Learning Engineer), you should write it in your profile with your English name.

Software writing is a very universal profession. Therefore, as a programmer, your Linkedin profile, which is one of the areas where your expertise appears sectoral, must also be universally accessible. The first condition for this is that your profile is created in English.

In most cases the high number of people you connect with is an important profile feature.

One of the pieces of information that reflects how you interact with people from the industry is the number of people you connect with. In this way, you can show that you are an active member of your profession.

Linkedin can enable you to work in the region or country you are targeting.

The knowledge of the position in which you are open to job opportunities is a detail that organizations that recruit from LinkedIn pay attention to. You can create your address section as country-only to show that you're open to job opportunities in multiple locations.


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