Suggestions you haven't heard enough to make your interviews go well

Gülcan Yayla
Co-Founder, CEO

Suggestions you haven't heard enough to make your interviews go well

Over the years, I have interviewed dozens of people of all levels, in different countries. Because of the work we do at Patika, we are already constantly seeing many people. I described in this article the frequently repeated mistakes I see around here and my recommendations for you to have a great interview. If you want to watch it from the video instead of reading the article With Launchpad the publication we make wherein :)

First reminder: Getting in front of hundreds of candidates and getting an interview invitation is actually a great achievement! You have passed an important step towards the position you so much wanted. Now it's time to make the most of that chance. I will tell you my recommendations for this in 3 stages:

  1. Before the interview,
  2. The interview itself,
  3. Recommendations for post-interview.

Before the interview

The basics that I will describe here include information that we think will work for you in many areas of life, not just job interviews. So you can think of it as a kind of “list of what to do when preparing for an important situation.” There are four basic items in this list:

Go on time and try online conversation platforms in advance

First of all, a job interview or not, it is very important to get to the place where you are invited on time. This shows how much you care about the invitation. If you do not have a very good reason, being late can cause you to be eliminated from the very beginning in job interviews. In fact, our recommendation is to be in front of the room where the interview will take place, and not the building 5-10 minutes before the interview. So you have time to tidy yourself up and breathe.

Last year online interviews were heavy due to the pandemic. It is much less likely to be late for online interviews, but these calls, which you can make from the comfort of your home, also have a label of their own. Connecting, for example, at least 5-10 minutes before the interview time is one of them. It is very important to download the platform from which you will hold the interview to your computer, or if it is a platform that cannot be downloaded, connect and try it beforehand. Today there are many platforms that companies use according to their structure. Trying out the platform in question on your operating system and the browser you are using and generating the necessary solutions if it does not work will make your interview less stressful. This gives you the opportunity to focus on your answers and not on technical glitches.

Research the company you are going to interview, download and tamper with the application, if any

The five minutes of research you do before applying will not be enough for the interview. If you are applying to a large and highly recognized company, which everyone knows, your job is already easier. But if you are applying in series and have applied to startups or companies that you don't know much about, now is the time to do this research.

It sounds a bit like 'stalking', but Googling the company and especially the founders, on Google, looking at their LinkedIn profiles, browsing podcasts and programs they participate in, and looking at news stories or self-published articles, if any, will put you at an advantage. Especially if you have applied to a start-up and make sure that you are well prepared, the impression you will leave on others will be quite positive.

For example, if you go to a meeting with a company that develops applications and your operating system allows it, download the application, tamper. Remember, your feedback is important as an end user. Even if the topic comes up in the interview, be sure to express your ideas about developing or using the application, it will pleasantly surprise the interviewees.

Do research on the people who will interview

Let's do some more stalking. Interviews usually involve several people other than Human Resources staff. Rarely does the interview take place with one person. So it's a good idea to start by finding out who to talk to. Just as you can ask this question directly to the person who came to meet you from the company, if the interview is to be conducted online, you can find out by looking at who the invitation went to other than you.

It would be good to search for these people on LinkedIn, find out their educational background, areas of work. Companies also do research on the candidates they're hiring, so there's no reason why you shouldn't do the same. Looking at how these people have shared on platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and seeing if you have anything in common can be a lifesaver for you when the conversation gets stuck in the interview. Perhaps you went to the same school and this conversation makes it easier for the ice to melt. Also remember that you will work with these people for eight hours a day. It can be difficult to work with people who do not inspire you, who you do not want to be on the same team. Knowing this in advance will make it easier for you to make your decision.

Try to learn the details of the position

The final step of Interview 101 is to learn the details of the position you are going to work for. After all, the position in the advertisement may be written in very general terms, or you may be confused if you are conducting many job interviews together. So re-read the position description before the interview. Look at what is expected of people who work in similar positions afterwards, how people in the profile have worked in this position before. LinkedIn is your primary source of research. Also note that candidates who do not master the details of the position for which they are applying are easier to eliminate. Surely everyone wants to work with people who have an idea of what to do. So be prepared for the questions that will come to you in the interview.

What should you pay attention to during the interview?

You have completed the initial preparations and started the interview. Basically, what is wanted to be understood in the interview is whether you are open to learning something new and whether you are compatible with the company. Your CV only lists what you have done so far in chronological order. That is why it is important that you present yourself well in what you do.

We can summarize what you need to do during the interview under four headings.

Enter the interview energetic and stay away from negative language

This is felt externally if you are tired and reluctant. This can affect the course of your interview. If you like it, you can drink a coffee, increasing your overall energy level. But you better pay attention to your posture, to see the importance of this That famous TEDx talk you can watch.

Also, if you are a person who makes negative sentences, it is also a method to pay attention to setting your sentences positive. Instead of saying “I have no problem working in this field,” try to build sentences that have a direct positive meaning, such as “I would like to work in this field.” Your attitude in the interview will facilitate the work of both parties.

Tell your story

It allows you to keep your story and how you tell it in the minds of others. But your story does not consist of how many years you graduated from which school and where you worked before. When you take an approach that consists of repeating your résumé, at some point the people who make these interviews may get the impression that they are hearing the same story over and over again. So take this opportunity when asked to tell your story and find a way to differentiate yourself from the hundreds of people interviewed with you. You can do this by trying to be the best in your field or by making an effort to find your trait that will set you apart from others. Are you a writer who loves literature? Find a way to bring these two together. Are your human relationships strong? Turn this into an advantage. The options are endless.

You also need to know who you are to be able to tell your story in an impressive way. Being aware of the things that make you who you are strengthens your story. The best way to do this is to try to write your story. As we write, our ability to connect events and topics increases and we are able to present our story in a more holistic and understandable way. However, this does not mean that you will read this text that you write when asked to talk about yourself. On the contrary, it is important that you be as natural as possible when answering this question. Think about the answers to questions such as what you like naturally and fluidly, what influences you, what has been influential in making your decisions up to this time, what you are doing, how you do not understand how time passes, and make it a narrative. When you try this process, you will love it too.


Rule of no more than 3 minutes: Speak briefly and clearly

Yes, telling your story is important, but doing it for minutes and not having the opportunity to talk to each other can be exhausting for those conducting the interview. It is necessary to be careful to find the balance here. Try to answer a question in an average of two - three minutes and ensure that the conversation flows in the form of questions and answers. But don't talk too short - the fact that the other party is trying to get your word out of your mouth can also make the interview more stressful than it is:)

Go through concrete examples, not adjectives

Exemplifying the things you do will both help you stay in mind and increase your credibility. For example, have you said that you are a good team player? Everyone says the same thing:) So give an example - detail how you worked in a team before, what roles you took on this team and how you supported your teammates. Are you saying that you are a quick learner? Don't skip telling me that you learned and presented that topic you never knew about in 1 week. These will detail your story and show that you are someone who can really do what you say. Of course it is very important that your examples are real!

The interview is over. What about after?

Be that as it may, you survived the interview. Now you're gonna put your arms together and wait for the result, right? No, it's not. Although it is not often done in Turkey, there is another interview etiquette: sending a thank you email after the interview. You can't believe how much of a difference this will make. Within 24 hours after the interview, thank the company for their time and pleasant interview. Giving thanks is always a very kind behavior and also makes a good impression on the other side. On the other hand, if your interview went badly, if you wanted to run away from there every second, if you felt that you never wanted to work there, of course there is no need for such a thing, but if you liked the company and want to work there, do not skip sending the thank you email to make a final contribution to the positive outcome of the interview. This method, which is already practiced by very few people in Turkey, can bring you to the forefront.

One last tip: Interview each other with your friends

We talked about all the steps of preparing for the interview, but there is one last thing. It is unlikely that you will understand exactly how to behave in an interview until you conduct an interview yourself. The solution is very simple: get together with a few friends and interview each other. Ask him the classic interview questions and pay attention to where he made mistakes, when he was stressed. Then ask him to ask you the same questions. Such simulations give you a chance to analyze your counterpart. You can also give feedback to each other at the same time as your friend and you have the opportunity to correct your own mistakes so that you can best prepare yourself for interviews.

Our advice to our participants

Suggestions you haven't heard enough to make your interviews go well

Mülakatlar ile ilgili pek de bilinmeyenleri ekibimizden Gülcan Yayla sizler için derledi!

Suggestions you haven't heard enough to make your interviews go well

Over the years, I have interviewed dozens of people of all levels, in different countries. Because of the work we do at Patika, we are already constantly seeing many people. I described in this article the frequently repeated mistakes I see around here and my recommendations for you to have a great interview. If you want to watch it from the video instead of reading the article With Launchpad the publication we make wherein :)

First reminder: Getting in front of hundreds of candidates and getting an interview invitation is actually a great achievement! You have passed an important step towards the position you so much wanted. Now it's time to make the most of that chance. I will tell you my recommendations for this in 3 stages:

  1. Before the interview,
  2. The interview itself,
  3. Recommendations for post-interview.

Before the interview

The basics that I will describe here include information that we think will work for you in many areas of life, not just job interviews. So you can think of it as a kind of “list of what to do when preparing for an important situation.” There are four basic items in this list:

Go on time and try online conversation platforms in advance

First of all, a job interview or not, it is very important to get to the place where you are invited on time. This shows how much you care about the invitation. If you do not have a very good reason, being late can cause you to be eliminated from the very beginning in job interviews. In fact, our recommendation is to be in front of the room where the interview will take place, and not the building 5-10 minutes before the interview. So you have time to tidy yourself up and breathe.

Last year online interviews were heavy due to the pandemic. It is much less likely to be late for online interviews, but these calls, which you can make from the comfort of your home, also have a label of their own. Connecting, for example, at least 5-10 minutes before the interview time is one of them. It is very important to download the platform from which you will hold the interview to your computer, or if it is a platform that cannot be downloaded, connect and try it beforehand. Today there are many platforms that companies use according to their structure. Trying out the platform in question on your operating system and the browser you are using and generating the necessary solutions if it does not work will make your interview less stressful. This gives you the opportunity to focus on your answers and not on technical glitches.

Research the company you are going to interview, download and tamper with the application, if any

The five minutes of research you do before applying will not be enough for the interview. If you are applying to a large and highly recognized company, which everyone knows, your job is already easier. But if you are applying in series and have applied to startups or companies that you don't know much about, now is the time to do this research.

It sounds a bit like 'stalking', but Googling the company and especially the founders, on Google, looking at their LinkedIn profiles, browsing podcasts and programs they participate in, and looking at news stories or self-published articles, if any, will put you at an advantage. Especially if you have applied to a start-up and make sure that you are well prepared, the impression you will leave on others will be quite positive.

For example, if you go to a meeting with a company that develops applications and your operating system allows it, download the application, tamper. Remember, your feedback is important as an end user. Even if the topic comes up in the interview, be sure to express your ideas about developing or using the application, it will pleasantly surprise the interviewees.

Do research on the people who will interview

Let's do some more stalking. Interviews usually involve several people other than Human Resources staff. Rarely does the interview take place with one person. So it's a good idea to start by finding out who to talk to. Just as you can ask this question directly to the person who came to meet you from the company, if the interview is to be conducted online, you can find out by looking at who the invitation went to other than you.

It would be good to search for these people on LinkedIn, find out their educational background, areas of work. Companies also do research on the candidates they're hiring, so there's no reason why you shouldn't do the same. Looking at how these people have shared on platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and seeing if you have anything in common can be a lifesaver for you when the conversation gets stuck in the interview. Perhaps you went to the same school and this conversation makes it easier for the ice to melt. Also remember that you will work with these people for eight hours a day. It can be difficult to work with people who do not inspire you, who you do not want to be on the same team. Knowing this in advance will make it easier for you to make your decision.

Try to learn the details of the position

The final step of Interview 101 is to learn the details of the position you are going to work for. After all, the position in the advertisement may be written in very general terms, or you may be confused if you are conducting many job interviews together. So re-read the position description before the interview. Look at what is expected of people who work in similar positions afterwards, how people in the profile have worked in this position before. LinkedIn is your primary source of research. Also note that candidates who do not master the details of the position for which they are applying are easier to eliminate. Surely everyone wants to work with people who have an idea of what to do. So be prepared for the questions that will come to you in the interview.

What should you pay attention to during the interview?

You have completed the initial preparations and started the interview. Basically, what is wanted to be understood in the interview is whether you are open to learning something new and whether you are compatible with the company. Your CV only lists what you have done so far in chronological order. That is why it is important that you present yourself well in what you do.

We can summarize what you need to do during the interview under four headings.

Enter the interview energetic and stay away from negative language

This is felt externally if you are tired and reluctant. This can affect the course of your interview. If you like it, you can drink a coffee, increasing your overall energy level. But you better pay attention to your posture, to see the importance of this That famous TEDx talk you can watch.

Also, if you are a person who makes negative sentences, it is also a method to pay attention to setting your sentences positive. Instead of saying “I have no problem working in this field,” try to build sentences that have a direct positive meaning, such as “I would like to work in this field.” Your attitude in the interview will facilitate the work of both parties.

Tell your story

It allows you to keep your story and how you tell it in the minds of others. But your story does not consist of how many years you graduated from which school and where you worked before. When you take an approach that consists of repeating your résumé, at some point the people who make these interviews may get the impression that they are hearing the same story over and over again. So take this opportunity when asked to tell your story and find a way to differentiate yourself from the hundreds of people interviewed with you. You can do this by trying to be the best in your field or by making an effort to find your trait that will set you apart from others. Are you a writer who loves literature? Find a way to bring these two together. Are your human relationships strong? Turn this into an advantage. The options are endless.

You also need to know who you are to be able to tell your story in an impressive way. Being aware of the things that make you who you are strengthens your story. The best way to do this is to try to write your story. As we write, our ability to connect events and topics increases and we are able to present our story in a more holistic and understandable way. However, this does not mean that you will read this text that you write when asked to talk about yourself. On the contrary, it is important that you be as natural as possible when answering this question. Think about the answers to questions such as what you like naturally and fluidly, what influences you, what has been influential in making your decisions up to this time, what you are doing, how you do not understand how time passes, and make it a narrative. When you try this process, you will love it too.


Rule of no more than 3 minutes: Speak briefly and clearly

Yes, telling your story is important, but doing it for minutes and not having the opportunity to talk to each other can be exhausting for those conducting the interview. It is necessary to be careful to find the balance here. Try to answer a question in an average of two - three minutes and ensure that the conversation flows in the form of questions and answers. But don't talk too short - the fact that the other party is trying to get your word out of your mouth can also make the interview more stressful than it is:)

Go through concrete examples, not adjectives

Exemplifying the things you do will both help you stay in mind and increase your credibility. For example, have you said that you are a good team player? Everyone says the same thing:) So give an example - detail how you worked in a team before, what roles you took on this team and how you supported your teammates. Are you saying that you are a quick learner? Don't skip telling me that you learned and presented that topic you never knew about in 1 week. These will detail your story and show that you are someone who can really do what you say. Of course it is very important that your examples are real!

The interview is over. What about after?

Be that as it may, you survived the interview. Now you're gonna put your arms together and wait for the result, right? No, it's not. Although it is not often done in Turkey, there is another interview etiquette: sending a thank you email after the interview. You can't believe how much of a difference this will make. Within 24 hours after the interview, thank the company for their time and pleasant interview. Giving thanks is always a very kind behavior and also makes a good impression on the other side. On the other hand, if your interview went badly, if you wanted to run away from there every second, if you felt that you never wanted to work there, of course there is no need for such a thing, but if you liked the company and want to work there, do not skip sending the thank you email to make a final contribution to the positive outcome of the interview. This method, which is already practiced by very few people in Turkey, can bring you to the forefront.

One last tip: Interview each other with your friends

We talked about all the steps of preparing for the interview, but there is one last thing. It is unlikely that you will understand exactly how to behave in an interview until you conduct an interview yourself. The solution is very simple: get together with a few friends and interview each other. Ask him the classic interview questions and pay attention to where he made mistakes, when he was stressed. Then ask him to ask you the same questions. Such simulations give you a chance to analyze your counterpart. You can also give feedback to each other at the same time as your friend and you have the opportunity to correct your own mistakes so that you can best prepare yourself for interviews.


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