What is Bootcamp in Software for Beginners? Why Online Bootcamp Trainings Are Important

Şule Erk
Superteam Turkey Community Manager

The question of what is bootcamp is a topic that boggles the minds of many. Bootcamp programs offer a customized intensive training program to candidates who want to study software. Often bootcamp trainings are popular because they focus on gaining skills in coding and software. It is a training program that is usually applied for through online platforms. It offers a relatively shorter duration of training, especially for full-time employees, allowing them to quickly reach competence in the sector. These programs usually focus on recruitment tests and skill development. Candidates who succeed in bootcamps can have an advantage in applying for jobs for companies that want to grow their team. It can also offer candidates internships and job opportunities in companies in bootcamp training programs. These tutorials on programming languages such as HTML, JavaScript, Python, PHP, Java, React, C#, Go, Ruby ensure that participants are ready for work in a short time.

Where to start software and where to learn software?

Where to start software depends on your goals. If you are a student, learning for hobbies and have a lot of time, you can start with paid/free online content, tutorial videos, and plenty of practice. However, you will need a long time and a very, very solid motivation for the solution in the points where you get stuck in this method. If you are considering a career change in software, have a goal of learning in a shorter and more effective time, you have a hard time learning on your own, and you need to learn in a friendly environment, the motivation to move together, An accelerated bootcamp like Trail+ could be an ideal option for you.

How long does it take to learn the software?

The answer to this question is related to how much time you spend and the systems we follow in the learning process. In the software learning process, candidates are advised to devote at least 30 hours a week to learn the practices and technical knowledge that will be needed for junior level software engineers. In this way, on average, they are able to learn software and get to the level of employment within about 3 - 6 months. Trails+In order to show our students the right path, the deadlines we set for our studies have been meticulously determined.

Why should we learn software?

Everyone's reason is different. You may be interested for a variety of reasons, such as learning software, growing your business, seeking a career change, or opportunities in the industry. A wide range of knowledge is offered, from freelance work to working remotely or managing your own projects. Thus, candidates can decide for themselves how to use the knowledge they have learned.

Why is software important?

The software is now heavily used in almost all industries, brands and companies. This means that the demand for developers is increasing day by day. This situation presents a great opportunity for anyone who wants to develop software whose goal is a good career goal.

What can be done with the software?

There is software behind the digital processes that we use in almost every area of our lives. Mobile applications, websites of all kinds, processes and games such as artificial intelligence and data analytics that are increasingly entering our lives reflect the possibilities offered by software. The potential of the software is truly limitless!

How to learn software?

The most important thing you'll need to get started is the right software roadmap and guidance system to support you when you hang out. However, as with any job, software is the perfect way to learn how to do a lot of practice and project in the process of learning software. If you are starting software from scratch and want to get the opportunity to get into business, you can opt for Path+; if you have software experience but want to develop further with the support of a mentor, you can opt for free bootcamps.

What is Bootcamp in software?

To answer this question, first of all, 'What is Bootcamp? ' It is necessary to ask. Detailed information for 'bootcamp', which means gaining knowledge of any purpose at an intense pace in a short period of time this is on our blog!

What are the types of bootcamp in software?

There are quite a lot of roles in the software. Of course, some characteristic features are also needed for these roles. If you are also interested in software but don't know which role is right for you this is our blog You must read it!

Which software language should I learn?

Which software language you want to learn depends on your goals and interests, but for someone who is just learning it is quite difficult to make this distinction. The answer that we think will help you here can be given by why we prioritize Java and React technologies at Pathway+. The reason behind choosing these technologies in training is to maximize your opportunity to get a job in the software field. In Turkey, the 3 most demanded technologies in the web field are Java and .NET for the backend, and React in the Frontend Bootcamp. To the question of which programming language should I learn, if you are aiming for a career in the field of software, it is that you learn the technologies that will open the door to you the most, we answer.

Which area of the software should I turn to?

Interests and goals are of great importance when choosing which software area to turn to. There are various topics such as mobile application, backend, frontend, devops, data analytics, game development. You may need to get to know yourself more closely to determine which area is right for you. But still it would not be wrong to make very basic referrals. For example, mobile app development for iOS requires you to own a Macbook. Areas such as Android or game development, on the other hand, need a systemically more powerful computer. If you're struggling to meet these requirements, the backend or frontend may suit you both in terms of providing the most business opportunities and allowing you to get started with more accessible devices.

If you could not decide which role to choose in the software field this is our blog you can examine it.

Who can be a programmer?

The software field is an industry that offers high material earnings and comfortable working opportunities. So it began to be quite in demand. But there are some things you need to know as you prepare to move into this field; programmers often sit for long hours and work alone. They constantly need to learn and adapt to changing technologies. The learning process never ends. Dealing with existing mistakes rather than creating something new is also the most important part of the job. If these are right for you and you have basic algorithm skills, you may be a good programmer candidate.

How does the application process for bootcamp trainings work?

Although standard processes in online bootcamp training vary in some bootcamps, they are generally as follows:

1. Applications 📝

2. Technical test 💻

3rd Interview 🙋

4. Technical training process 🛠

5. Career Preparation 💼

6. Graduation and job placement 🚀

Frequently Asked Questions about the Bootcamp Process

Who can participate in Bootcamp?

Bootcamps are open to all young people who are looking for a job, think they are working below their capacity and want to change jobs, or who are about to graduate from college. There is no requirement to have a diploma for bootcamp applications. A public program that says, “I have developed myself in the field of software, I have produced projects and I am persevering.”

Is everyone who applies to Bootcamp accepted to the classes?

No, unfortunately, less than 10% of applicants are admitted to bootcamps. A three-stage system is used to select friends to join Bootcamp. This system consists of (I) Pre-application form, (II) Coding test and (III) Interview. Those who succeed in all three are eligible to participate in the bootcamp.

What days does software training in Bootcamp take place and how many hours does it take?

Bootcamps usually happen on weekends and last between 72 and 90 hours in total. The specifics of bootcamps such as duration, class time, venue can vary from bootcamp to bootcamp, but usually take place online. All this information is available up to date on the bootcamp announcement page.

By what is the time and subject of the Bootcamper determined?

Bootcamps are opened in response to the requests of the partner companies. For this reason, the topic and time of the bootcamps are only finalized shortly before applications are opened. We are announcing the bootcamps that will be opened first in our Pathway Discord community. That is why if you want to be among the first to receive news, we recommend that you join Pathika Discord.

My previous applications to bootcamps have been rejected. Should I apply again?


A previous application has been rejected because you do not meet the basic conditions at the moment, but also because the partner companies have set some special conditions. So if you think you're ready, there's no reason not to apply again!

Can I apply for several bootcamps at the same time?

Yes, there is no harm in applying for several bootcamps at once, as each bootcamp is evaluated individually!

Can I find out why I was rejected?

Unfortunately, only a limited number of participants can be admitted to the free bootcamps offered by Patika.dev, so many applications may have to be turned down. Not every request for information can be answered because the team is very busy. But in order to be able to answer questions during the bootcamp processes, we launched the Pathway Discord program. As a participant, you have access to tips on what happens during the bootcamp intake process, the most encountered problems and how you can be more successful throughout the training afterwards.

When and how are the results of the bootcamp program explained?

Everyone who applies for trainings is first sent a coding test. According to the success rate in this test and the answers given on the application form, candidates are sorted and interviews are conducted with successful candidates.

The coding test is usually taken one week after the deadline. The tests are evaluated within a week. Candidates who pass the test are interviewed within a week. In the week following the interviews, the candidates are informed of the preliminary admission decisions.

That's why it's important to check the email address you write on the application form frequently during the bootcamp application process to avoid missing notifications.

Is bootcamp guaranteed to get a job at the end?

The case for free bootcamps is as follows: Many bootcamps arise as a result of a partner company's need for recruitment. At the end of the bootcamp, the partner company hires as many people as it sees fit or needs. Sometimes it can be 5 people, sometimes 20 people. However, not all bootcamp participants can be guaranteed to get to work. Patika+ is the best long-term training camp in Turkey, but also offers a guarantee of entry to work.

On the other hand, some candidates succeed in the job market themselves with the skills they acquired in bootcamp. In this way, most graduates who do not receive a job offer from the partner company in the bootcamp they participate in are hired in another company within 3-6 months.

Is it a problem if I take another job during bootcamp?

The bootcamp fees of participants admitted to the free Path.dev bootcamps are paid by the partner company. Partner companies provide such support in exchange for the option to hire participants.

For this reason, participants are asked not to apply for other jobs and/or take a job at another institution during bootcamp. If you already have a recruitment process in progress when bootcamp starts, it is important that you inform yourself about it.

What are the criteria for successfully graduating from the program?

To graduate successfully, you must have a minimum attendance rate of 90%; you must score over 85% from assignments, quizzes, and projects.

Can I fail the program?

The educational content and editing of the program were created with the learnings of more than 250 programs that Patika.dev has opened so far. But in order to graduate successfully, you must devote as much time as you work in a full-time job to this program, actively participate in activities, and complete all practice-oriented assignments/projects on time. With enough time and good motivation, you will find that you have successfully graduated and become a good programmer. Every time you hang out and need support, the team will be there for you.

Frequently Asked Questions about Path+

How many hours per week is the program? Do I have to quit my job to join?

The Trail+ program is a full-time program. Participants are required to exert 30-40 hours per week. There are many people who work and can continue in the program. If you think you can devote enough time, you can join the program.

Are there any prerequisites for the trail+?

Your eligibility to be a programmer is measured during the qualifying process. Other than that, there are no extra criteria to participate in the program.

When do I need to pay the program fee for bootcamp training?

Paid programs are available only for Path+ bootcamps. You do not pay any fees when applying to the program. After applying, you are called by the sales team and if it is agreed on your compliance with the program, you will be sent a technical test, if you pass the technical test, you will participate in the video interview, which is the final stage. If the video interview is also positive, you will be informed that you have been accepted into the program. You must make the payment within 3 working days after this information.

How are the payment options?

You can pay the program fee in advance with your credit card. In addition, depending on the agreement with banks, you can benefit from installment options on both credit card and shopping credit, with different maturity difference rate.

Patika.dev has always been free, where did Patika+ come from?

Patika.dev's business model is to train and place talents who want to work in the technology sector with employer-funded programs. With this model, 2400+ students have been placed to work in partner companies to date.

Applications to these bootcamp programs are very intensive and unfortunately due to the limited quota and heavy schedule, the program can be started with people who can pass the technical qualification and make up less than 5% of the total applications.

Friends who want to become programmers but cannot pass these technical exams are directed to free trails on Patika.dev. Unfortunately, there are too many people who start and leave this content even though they want to be programmers. It is known that it is not easy for people at the beginning to learn the software on their own with online content alone and support is expected in this regard.

There was a strong demand for a program that was highly motivated to become a programmer but also addressed the needs of friends who were at the starting point. Path+was produced to create a good solution.

Path+ is a long program that communicates topics with programs of different lengths and technologies, starting from the basics. This program is unfortunately unlikely to be funded by employers. This is why Pathway+ is a paid program.

Why come to Path+instead of free bootcamps?

Free bootcamps are programs funded by employers, with limited quota, lasting 6-8 weeks in which you need to have a certain coding knowledge to get started. If you have enough technical knowledge to enter the existing free bootcamps, it is recommended that you join the free bootcamps. Trail+ is an ideal solution for those who do not have the knowledge to cross the first threshold, do not know where to start, or who have started with free online trails but cannot continue on their own, and have no one to consult around where they hang out.

Is Path+ fully online?

Yes, the whole program is online. Physical events for fusion and entertainment are also held in Istanbul and Ankara. But it should also be known that this is not mandatory for participants outside the city.

How is the trail+ content?

The program was developed on Patika.dev's Cohorts platform. In theoretical education, the ready-made contents of Patika.dev were mixed with workshops and tutorials to be held every week with the instructor. Every week you will mingle with your classmates with social activities, work together with office hours. In addition to practical assignments each week, you will also measure what you have learned with quizzes, and you will repeat the missing topics in hot heat. In addition, you will meet with industry experts in both technical subjects and soft skills and get the chance to learn from their expert.

Is there an obligation to continue in Path+?

Yes, there is an obligation to continue in the program. In order to graduate successfully, you must attend at least 90% of all events. If you're working, you don't have to worry. Most of the compulsory attendances were arranged in the evening hours when the person did not have working hours. This way, you can participate in the program even if you are working.

Who does the “refund of wages if you cannot get a job 12 months after graduation” apply to?

Applicable to anyone under the age of 30 who has successfully graduated from a 4-year department of a university and has successfully completed the Path+ program.

Why You Should Attend Trail+ Bootcamp

Patika.dev takes its training programs one step further with Patika+ Bootcamp. It is a special program designed specifically for the needs of the business world. This program not only provides participants with technical skills, but also provides them with the skills necessary for their adaptation to the world of work.

Software BootCamps offer an educational experience that covers not only the technical skills but also the soft skills you will need throughout your career.

Here are the points where Path+ BootCamps differ from other training programs:

Technical Trainings and Plenty of Projects

Private Online Platform: The subject trainings you will receive through Patika.dev's private online platform consolidate theoretical knowledge.

Experienced Programmers' Workshops: Workshops delivered by experienced programmers working in the industry reinforce what you have learned.

Real Life Projects: Allows you to gain a wealth of project-based real-world experience during the training process.

Soft Skill Trainings

Critical Skills: In addition to technical skills, there are trainings and workshops on soft skills that are essential for you to succeed in business life.

Expert Trainers: Soft skills trainings taught by experts in their field support professional development.

Career Support

Professional Story Building: Guidance to help you create your own professional story.

Preparation for Technical Assessments: Preparatory support for technical interviews and evaluations.

Interview Simulations: Interview simulations conducted with professionals working in global companies.

Face-to-Face Events

Istanbul and Ankara Meetups: Although the trainings are online, it offers the opportunity to get together with face-to-face events to be held in Istanbul and Ankara.

Workshops & Networking

Networking: At Bootcamp you will expand your professional network by meeting friends and experts in the field.

Mentor Support

Personal Guidance: During the training period, special mentors will support you in the learning process and evaluate your development together.

Path+ BootCamps stand out from their competitors with technical and soft skills training as well as career support, networking opportunities and personal mentoring. This holistic approach allows participants to develop both their technical skills and professional abilities, making them ready for the business world.

In this blog, we touched on 'what bootcamp in software means and the importance of training'.
If you don't know what bootcamp is this is our blog click.
Also our Back-end Developer Roadmap wherein.

Thanks for reading...
Patika.dev Team

Our advice to our participants

What is Bootcamp in Software for Beginners? Why Online Bootcamp Trainings Are Important

Online yazılım geliştirme bootcamp'i nedir? Online bootcamp başvurusu için koşullar nelerdir? Eğitimlere dair her şey burada!

The question of what is bootcamp is a topic that boggles the minds of many. Bootcamp programs offer a customized intensive training program to candidates who want to study software. Often bootcamp trainings are popular because they focus on gaining skills in coding and software. It is a training program that is usually applied for through online platforms. It offers a relatively shorter duration of training, especially for full-time employees, allowing them to quickly reach competence in the sector. These programs usually focus on recruitment tests and skill development. Candidates who succeed in bootcamps can have an advantage in applying for jobs for companies that want to grow their team. It can also offer candidates internships and job opportunities in companies in bootcamp training programs. These tutorials on programming languages such as HTML, JavaScript, Python, PHP, Java, React, C#, Go, Ruby ensure that participants are ready for work in a short time.

Where to start software and where to learn software?

Where to start software depends on your goals. If you are a student, learning for hobbies and have a lot of time, you can start with paid/free online content, tutorial videos, and plenty of practice. However, you will need a long time and a very, very solid motivation for the solution in the points where you get stuck in this method. If you are considering a career change in software, have a goal of learning in a shorter and more effective time, you have a hard time learning on your own, and you need to learn in a friendly environment, the motivation to move together, An accelerated bootcamp like Trail+ could be an ideal option for you.

How long does it take to learn the software?

The answer to this question is related to how much time you spend and the systems we follow in the learning process. In the software learning process, candidates are advised to devote at least 30 hours a week to learn the practices and technical knowledge that will be needed for junior level software engineers. In this way, on average, they are able to learn software and get to the level of employment within about 3 - 6 months. Trails+In order to show our students the right path, the deadlines we set for our studies have been meticulously determined.

Why should we learn software?

Everyone's reason is different. You may be interested for a variety of reasons, such as learning software, growing your business, seeking a career change, or opportunities in the industry. A wide range of knowledge is offered, from freelance work to working remotely or managing your own projects. Thus, candidates can decide for themselves how to use the knowledge they have learned.

Why is software important?

The software is now heavily used in almost all industries, brands and companies. This means that the demand for developers is increasing day by day. This situation presents a great opportunity for anyone who wants to develop software whose goal is a good career goal.

What can be done with the software?

There is software behind the digital processes that we use in almost every area of our lives. Mobile applications, websites of all kinds, processes and games such as artificial intelligence and data analytics that are increasingly entering our lives reflect the possibilities offered by software. The potential of the software is truly limitless!

How to learn software?

The most important thing you'll need to get started is the right software roadmap and guidance system to support you when you hang out. However, as with any job, software is the perfect way to learn how to do a lot of practice and project in the process of learning software. If you are starting software from scratch and want to get the opportunity to get into business, you can opt for Path+; if you have software experience but want to develop further with the support of a mentor, you can opt for free bootcamps.

What is Bootcamp in software?

To answer this question, first of all, 'What is Bootcamp? ' It is necessary to ask. Detailed information for 'bootcamp', which means gaining knowledge of any purpose at an intense pace in a short period of time this is on our blog!

What are the types of bootcamp in software?

There are quite a lot of roles in the software. Of course, some characteristic features are also needed for these roles. If you are also interested in software but don't know which role is right for you this is our blog You must read it!

Which software language should I learn?

Which software language you want to learn depends on your goals and interests, but for someone who is just learning it is quite difficult to make this distinction. The answer that we think will help you here can be given by why we prioritize Java and React technologies at Pathway+. The reason behind choosing these technologies in training is to maximize your opportunity to get a job in the software field. In Turkey, the 3 most demanded technologies in the web field are Java and .NET for the backend, and React in the Frontend Bootcamp. To the question of which programming language should I learn, if you are aiming for a career in the field of software, it is that you learn the technologies that will open the door to you the most, we answer.

Which area of the software should I turn to?

Interests and goals are of great importance when choosing which software area to turn to. There are various topics such as mobile application, backend, frontend, devops, data analytics, game development. You may need to get to know yourself more closely to determine which area is right for you. But still it would not be wrong to make very basic referrals. For example, mobile app development for iOS requires you to own a Macbook. Areas such as Android or game development, on the other hand, need a systemically more powerful computer. If you're struggling to meet these requirements, the backend or frontend may suit you both in terms of providing the most business opportunities and allowing you to get started with more accessible devices.

If you could not decide which role to choose in the software field this is our blog you can examine it.

Who can be a programmer?

The software field is an industry that offers high material earnings and comfortable working opportunities. So it began to be quite in demand. But there are some things you need to know as you prepare to move into this field; programmers often sit for long hours and work alone. They constantly need to learn and adapt to changing technologies. The learning process never ends. Dealing with existing mistakes rather than creating something new is also the most important part of the job. If these are right for you and you have basic algorithm skills, you may be a good programmer candidate.

How does the application process for bootcamp trainings work?

Although standard processes in online bootcamp training vary in some bootcamps, they are generally as follows:

1. Applications 📝

  • After the bootcamp announcements open, it becomes open to announcements for a few weeks. Candidates who want to develop themselves in the field of technology complete a bootcamp application with a 5-10 minute form.

2. Technical test 💻

  • During the application evaluation phase for Bootcamp, an assessment is given to the candidate, which measures the basic software knowledge. Technical tests can usually consist of multiple choice questions, Coding Challenge questions, or a separate technical assignment specific to the business area. Sample Coderbyte Challenges from here you can reach.

3rd Interview 🙋

4. Technical training process 🛠

  • After technical testing and interview, selected candidates receive admission to 4-8 weeks of intensive training. When selected candidates are admitted to bootcamp, they learn the technique of the software thanks to the best instructors, assistants, and content on the Pathway platform. Classes are usually on weekends and online. We expect candidates to be ready for work by dedicating 30-40 hours a week, completing all assignments and producing projects.

5. Career Preparation 💼

  • In addition to technical training, we help participants improve their LinkedIn profiles, Github profiles, CVs, and prepare bootcamp participants to pass coding tests and interviews.

6. Graduation and job placement 🚀

  • Candidates who successfully complete bootcamp training earn a certificate and graduate. Candidates that companies find suitable go directly to job interviews. Many of our graduates start their careers in the industry shortly.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Bootcamp Process

Who can participate in Bootcamp?

Bootcamps are open to all young people who are looking for a job, think they are working below their capacity and want to change jobs, or who are about to graduate from college. There is no requirement to have a diploma for bootcamp applications. A public program that says, “I have developed myself in the field of software, I have produced projects and I am persevering.”

Is everyone who applies to Bootcamp accepted to the classes?

No, unfortunately, less than 10% of applicants are admitted to bootcamps. A three-stage system is used to select friends to join Bootcamp. This system consists of (I) Pre-application form, (II) Coding test and (III) Interview. Those who succeed in all three are eligible to participate in the bootcamp.

What days does software training in Bootcamp take place and how many hours does it take?

Bootcamps usually happen on weekends and last between 72 and 90 hours in total. The specifics of bootcamps such as duration, class time, venue can vary from bootcamp to bootcamp, but usually take place online. All this information is available up to date on the bootcamp announcement page.

By what is the time and subject of the Bootcamper determined?

Bootcamps are opened in response to the requests of the partner companies. For this reason, the topic and time of the bootcamps are only finalized shortly before applications are opened. We are announcing the bootcamps that will be opened first in our Pathway Discord community. That is why if you want to be among the first to receive news, we recommend that you join Pathika Discord.

My previous applications to bootcamps have been rejected. Should I apply again?


  • If you spend time learning programming on your own,
  • If you are a senior in college or are no longer a student,
  • If you think you have enough practice to solve the coding test, you should reapply to bootcamps.

A previous application has been rejected because you do not meet the basic conditions at the moment, but also because the partner companies have set some special conditions. So if you think you're ready, there's no reason not to apply again!

Can I apply for several bootcamps at the same time?

Yes, there is no harm in applying for several bootcamps at once, as each bootcamp is evaluated individually!

Can I find out why I was rejected?

Unfortunately, only a limited number of participants can be admitted to the free bootcamps offered by Patika.dev, so many applications may have to be turned down. Not every request for information can be answered because the team is very busy. But in order to be able to answer questions during the bootcamp processes, we launched the Pathway Discord program. As a participant, you have access to tips on what happens during the bootcamp intake process, the most encountered problems and how you can be more successful throughout the training afterwards.

When and how are the results of the bootcamp program explained?

Everyone who applies for trainings is first sent a coding test. According to the success rate in this test and the answers given on the application form, candidates are sorted and interviews are conducted with successful candidates.

The coding test is usually taken one week after the deadline. The tests are evaluated within a week. Candidates who pass the test are interviewed within a week. In the week following the interviews, the candidates are informed of the preliminary admission decisions.

That's why it's important to check the email address you write on the application form frequently during the bootcamp application process to avoid missing notifications.

Is bootcamp guaranteed to get a job at the end?

The case for free bootcamps is as follows: Many bootcamps arise as a result of a partner company's need for recruitment. At the end of the bootcamp, the partner company hires as many people as it sees fit or needs. Sometimes it can be 5 people, sometimes 20 people. However, not all bootcamp participants can be guaranteed to get to work. Patika+ is the best long-term training camp in Turkey, but also offers a guarantee of entry to work.

On the other hand, some candidates succeed in the job market themselves with the skills they acquired in bootcamp. In this way, most graduates who do not receive a job offer from the partner company in the bootcamp they participate in are hired in another company within 3-6 months.

Is it a problem if I take another job during bootcamp?

The bootcamp fees of participants admitted to the free Path.dev bootcamps are paid by the partner company. Partner companies provide such support in exchange for the option to hire participants.

For this reason, participants are asked not to apply for other jobs and/or take a job at another institution during bootcamp. If you already have a recruitment process in progress when bootcamp starts, it is important that you inform yourself about it.

What are the criteria for successfully graduating from the program?

To graduate successfully, you must have a minimum attendance rate of 90%; you must score over 85% from assignments, quizzes, and projects.

Can I fail the program?

The educational content and editing of the program were created with the learnings of more than 250 programs that Patika.dev has opened so far. But in order to graduate successfully, you must devote as much time as you work in a full-time job to this program, actively participate in activities, and complete all practice-oriented assignments/projects on time. With enough time and good motivation, you will find that you have successfully graduated and become a good programmer. Every time you hang out and need support, the team will be there for you.

Frequently Asked Questions about Path+

How many hours per week is the program? Do I have to quit my job to join?

The Trail+ program is a full-time program. Participants are required to exert 30-40 hours per week. There are many people who work and can continue in the program. If you think you can devote enough time, you can join the program.

Are there any prerequisites for the trail+?

Your eligibility to be a programmer is measured during the qualifying process. Other than that, there are no extra criteria to participate in the program.

When do I need to pay the program fee for bootcamp training?

Paid programs are available only for Path+ bootcamps. You do not pay any fees when applying to the program. After applying, you are called by the sales team and if it is agreed on your compliance with the program, you will be sent a technical test, if you pass the technical test, you will participate in the video interview, which is the final stage. If the video interview is also positive, you will be informed that you have been accepted into the program. You must make the payment within 3 working days after this information.

How are the payment options?

You can pay the program fee in advance with your credit card. In addition, depending on the agreement with banks, you can benefit from installment options on both credit card and shopping credit, with different maturity difference rate.

Patika.dev has always been free, where did Patika+ come from?

Patika.dev's business model is to train and place talents who want to work in the technology sector with employer-funded programs. With this model, 2400+ students have been placed to work in partner companies to date.

Applications to these bootcamp programs are very intensive and unfortunately due to the limited quota and heavy schedule, the program can be started with people who can pass the technical qualification and make up less than 5% of the total applications.

Friends who want to become programmers but cannot pass these technical exams are directed to free trails on Patika.dev. Unfortunately, there are too many people who start and leave this content even though they want to be programmers. It is known that it is not easy for people at the beginning to learn the software on their own with online content alone and support is expected in this regard.

There was a strong demand for a program that was highly motivated to become a programmer but also addressed the needs of friends who were at the starting point. Path+was produced to create a good solution.

Path+ is a long program that communicates topics with programs of different lengths and technologies, starting from the basics. This program is unfortunately unlikely to be funded by employers. This is why Pathway+ is a paid program.

Why come to Path+instead of free bootcamps?

Free bootcamps are programs funded by employers, with limited quota, lasting 6-8 weeks in which you need to have a certain coding knowledge to get started. If you have enough technical knowledge to enter the existing free bootcamps, it is recommended that you join the free bootcamps. Trail+ is an ideal solution for those who do not have the knowledge to cross the first threshold, do not know where to start, or who have started with free online trails but cannot continue on their own, and have no one to consult around where they hang out.

Is Path+ fully online?

Yes, the whole program is online. Physical events for fusion and entertainment are also held in Istanbul and Ankara. But it should also be known that this is not mandatory for participants outside the city.

How is the trail+ content?

The program was developed on Patika.dev's Cohorts platform. In theoretical education, the ready-made contents of Patika.dev were mixed with workshops and tutorials to be held every week with the instructor. Every week you will mingle with your classmates with social activities, work together with office hours. In addition to practical assignments each week, you will also measure what you have learned with quizzes, and you will repeat the missing topics in hot heat. In addition, you will meet with industry experts in both technical subjects and soft skills and get the chance to learn from their expert.

Is there an obligation to continue in Path+?

Yes, there is an obligation to continue in the program. In order to graduate successfully, you must attend at least 90% of all events. If you're working, you don't have to worry. Most of the compulsory attendances were arranged in the evening hours when the person did not have working hours. This way, you can participate in the program even if you are working.

Who does the “refund of wages if you cannot get a job 12 months after graduation” apply to?

Applicable to anyone under the age of 30 who has successfully graduated from a 4-year department of a university and has successfully completed the Path+ program.

Why You Should Attend Trail+ Bootcamp

Patika.dev takes its training programs one step further with Patika+ Bootcamp. It is a special program designed specifically for the needs of the business world. This program not only provides participants with technical skills, but also provides them with the skills necessary for their adaptation to the world of work.

Software BootCamps offer an educational experience that covers not only the technical skills but also the soft skills you will need throughout your career.

Here are the points where Path+ BootCamps differ from other training programs:

Technical Trainings and Plenty of Projects

Private Online Platform: The subject trainings you will receive through Patika.dev's private online platform consolidate theoretical knowledge.

Experienced Programmers' Workshops: Workshops delivered by experienced programmers working in the industry reinforce what you have learned.

Real Life Projects: Allows you to gain a wealth of project-based real-world experience during the training process.

Soft Skill Trainings

Critical Skills: In addition to technical skills, there are trainings and workshops on soft skills that are essential for you to succeed in business life.

Expert Trainers: Soft skills trainings taught by experts in their field support professional development.

Career Support

Professional Story Building: Guidance to help you create your own professional story.

Preparation for Technical Assessments: Preparatory support for technical interviews and evaluations.

Interview Simulations: Interview simulations conducted with professionals working in global companies.

Face-to-Face Events

Istanbul and Ankara Meetups: Although the trainings are online, it offers the opportunity to get together with face-to-face events to be held in Istanbul and Ankara.

Workshops & Networking

Networking: At Bootcamp you will expand your professional network by meeting friends and experts in the field.

Mentor Support

Personal Guidance: During the training period, special mentors will support you in the learning process and evaluate your development together.

Path+ BootCamps stand out from their competitors with technical and soft skills training as well as career support, networking opportunities and personal mentoring. This holistic approach allows participants to develop both their technical skills and professional abilities, making them ready for the business world.

In this blog, we touched on 'what bootcamp in software means and the importance of training'.
If you don't know what bootcamp is this is our blog click.
Also our Back-end Developer Roadmap wherein.

Thanks for reading...
Patika.dev Team


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